Metonymy in Chinese

Metonymy in Chinese

Metonymy 借代 is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by a metonym, the name of something associated in meaning with that thing or concept.

巾帼 jīn guó,women
方寸 fāng cùn,heart
布衣 bù yī, commoner
孔方兄 kǒng fāng xiōng, money
瘾君子 yǐn jūn zǐ, drugster
梁上君子 liáng shàng jūn zǐ,thief
折柳 zhé liǔ,send off a friend
杯中物 bēi zhōng wù, alcoholic drinks
乌纱帽 wū shā mào, official post

Metonymy, Synecdoche and Metaphor. Metonymy is often confused with another figure of speech called synecdoche. They resemble each other but are not the same. Synecdoche refers to a thing by the name of one of its parts. For example, calling a car “a wheel” is a synecdoche.

Metonymy – Wikipedia

Metonymy, Synecdoche and Metaphor

Metonymy, Synecdoche and Metaphor. Metonymy is often confused with another figure of speech called synecdoche. They resemble each other but are not the same. Synecdoche refers to a thing by the name of one of its parts. For example, calling a car “a wheel” is a synecdoche.