Component flesh 月

Component flesh 月

月, originally flesh, serves as semantic or phonetic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component flesh 月 express things related to organs, limbs, veins, muscles, parts of the body, etc.

Characters formed by the phonetic component flesh 月

刖 蚏 抈 跀 枂 yuè
枂 wò

Characters formed by the semantic component flesh 月

肌 肝 肚 服 胡 胶/膠 胸 腊/臘 膜 肪 膀 腰 胺 腋 胆/膽 脏/臟  腩 胜/勝 腥 脚 胎 肥 肺

jī gān dù fú hú jiāo xiōng là mó fáng bǎng yāo àn yè dǎn zàng nǎn shèng xīng jiǎo tāi féi fèi

See also another component 

See also the component meat