Difference between 反应 and 反映

Difference between 反应 and 反映

反应 and 反映 are homophones, that is to say, they share the same pronunciation but have different meanings. Check out the difference between 反应 and 反映.

反应 react/reaction, used for changes in physics or chemistry

Examples: nuclear reactions 核反应, thermonuclear fusion reactions 热核反应, nervous system reactions 神经系统反应, toxic reactions 中毒反应.

反应 react/reaction, the corresponding activity of an organism caused by the stimulation

Examples: emotional reactions 情绪反应, physical reactions 身理反应, psychological 心理反应, pathological reactions 病理反应, physiological reactions 生理反应, etc.

反应 response, the opinion, attitude, or action that is caused by a thing

Examples: 1. 听众对他的演说立即作出反应。 The audience reacted readily to his speech. 2. 大家对这部影片反应很好。People responded very favourably to the film.

反映 reflect, shows the appearance or essence of an objective thing but does not emphasize the coping behavior of the organism

Examples: 1. 那部电影反映了真实的生活。That film reflects the real life. 2. 他的作品反映了他的哲学。His work reflects his philosophy.

反映 report, make known

Example: She reported the true conditions to a higher level. 他把真实情况向上级反映。

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