由 small pathway leading to the fields

Component 由 small pathway leading to the fields

The original meaning of 由 is a small pathway leading to the fields. 由serves as a phonetic component to form characters.

From its original meaning, more meanings of 由 were derived:

1. cause

2. because

3. by or through

4. to follow the wishes of

5. to allow or entrust someone to do

6. from

Characters formed by the phonetic component 由

鼬 釉 柚  牰  yòu
宙 胄 伷 粙 zhòu
怞 菗 怞 chóu
油 邮 鲉 铀 秞 蚰 yóu
轴 妯 zhóu
袖 岫 峀 xiù
迪 笛 頔 廸 苖 dí
抽 䌷 chōu
届 庙 曺 甹 畁 舳 jiè miào cáo pīng qí zhú

Common words and set phrases of 由

  • 自由
  • 由衷
  • 由来
  • 由于
  • 缘由
  • 由旬
  • 理由
  • 巢由
  • 原由
  • 许由
  • 不由自主
  • 不由分说
  • 不由得
  • 自由自在
  • 咎由自取
  • 言不由衷
  • 居仁由义
  • 祝由科
  • 身不由己
  • 信马由