Adverbs of frequency in Chinese

Adverbs of frequency in Chinese are the adverbs that describe how often something occurs. According to the frequency, adverbs of frequency are divided into three categories.

Adverbs of High frequency

始终 from beginning to end; from first to last; all the time; all along; throughout

老/老是 all the time, always

总/总是 all the time, at all times, forever

一向/向来 always, all the time

一直 all the time, all along

历来 always; constantly; all long

从来 always; at all times; all along

素来 always; usually; all along

连连 repeatedly, again and again

一连 successively

接连 repeatedly; continuously

连续 uninterruptedly

屡屡 again and again; repeatedly

屡次 again and again; repeatedly

频频 again and again; repeatedly

频繁 continuously, with high frequency

Characteristics of Chinese adverbs

Adverbs of medium frequency

通常 generally, usually, normally

常/常常 frequently; constantly; often; usually; commonly

经常 regularly; frequently; often; always

时常 often; usually; frequently; every now and then

往往 often; frequently

不时 often; frequently; usually

时时 often; constantly

Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of low frequency

有时 sometimes; occasionally; at times; at whiles

偶尔 occasionally; once in a while; between times; every once in a while; now and then

间或 occasionally