Component 辛 knife

Component 辛 knife

辛, a pictographic character of a knife, serves as semantic component to form characters. Characters formed by the semantic component 辛 have to do with crime, criminal law, spicy things, etc such as 辨, 辞, 辣, 辟, 辫, 辜, 辠, etc. 

Characters formed by the semantic component 辛

笔划 汉字 拼音 笔划 汉字 拼音
7 xīn 12
12 13 bì,pì
13 13 zuì
14 14
14 biàn 15
16 biàn 16 biàn
16 bàn 16 biàn
16 xuē 17 biàn
17 xuē 18 bān
19 20 biàn
21 biàn