Prefix 好 and its formula

Prefix 好 and its formula

The prefix 好 is really valuable as it can change some verbs into adjectives. Learn it now!

好 means “good, nice, excellent, well, etc”, and can act as a prefix to turn some verbs into adjectives or adjective phrases.

The formula of the prefix 好

好 + verbs = adjectives


好+用 (use) = 好用 easy to use, useful

This is a really cool concept and I found that it was actually pretty easy to use. 这是很不错的概念而且我觉得那个实际上也是非常好用。
zhè shì hěn bú cuò de gài niàn ér qiě wǒ jué de nà ge shí jì shang yě shì fēi cháng hǎo yòng 。

好 + 吃 (eat) = 好吃 delicious

An apple is also delicious. Apples can be cooked in many ways, used as a dessert , and made into sweet juice. 苹果也很好吃。它有很多种煮法,作为甜点,或者榨成甜果汁 píng guǒ yě hěn hǎo chī 。 tā yǒu hěn duō zhǒng zhǔ fǎ , zuò wéi tián diǎn , huò zhě zhà chéng tián guǒ zhī.

好 + 看 (look) = 好看  beautiful, good-looking, nice

The twinkle of distant town lights was very beautiful.
远处城镇灯火闪烁,煞是好看。Yuǎn chù chéng zhèn dēng huǒ shǎn shuò, shā shì hǎo kàn.

好 + 学 (learn) = 好学 easy to learn 

Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it is easy to learn.
骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼方式, 并且还好学。qí zì xíng chē shì yī zhǒng hěn hǎo de duàn liàn fāng shì, bìng qiě hái róng yì xué.

好 + 玩 (play)= 好玩 fun, funny, interesting 

I can not miss out on such an interesting event!
这么好玩的活动怎么能少了我呢!zhè me hǎo wán de huó dòng zěn me néng shǎo le wǒ ne !

好 + 听 (hear) = 好听 nice, pleasant to hear

He may sing many songs, moreover very is all pleasant to hear!
他可以唱许多歌,而且都很好听!tā kě yǐ chàng xǔ duō gē, ér qiě dōu hěn hǎo tīng !

好 + 办 (handle) = 好办 easy to handle

Once this difficulty is overcome, other problems will be easy to solve.
攻下这一关,其他问题就好办了。Gōng xià zhè yī guān, qítā wèn tí jiù hǎo bàn le.

好 + 使 (use) = 好使 easy to use

My new pen writes well.
我的新钢笔很好使. Wǒ de xīn gāng bǐ hěn hǎo shǐ.

好 + 做 (d0) = 好做 easy to do 

Beijing people have great purchasing power so business is relatively easy to do. 北京人购买力强﹐生意比较好做。Běijīng rén gòumǎilì qiáng﹐shēngyì bǐjiào hǎo zuò.

好 + 开 (drive) = 好开 easy to drive

This car is a tough baby to drive.
这辆车可不太好开。Zhè liàng chē kě bù tài hǎo kāi.

In a word, the prefix 好 is very easy to learn, right? 前缀“好”是不是很好学呢?

The synanym of 难 is 易,some of the above examples can be replaced with 易  such as 好学 is equal to 易学,好用 is equal to 易用,好办 is equal to 易办。


Since the prefix 好 is really good and interesting, how can you miss out on the opposite of prefix 好? Then just heck out the prefix 难 and its formula!