Prefix 耐 and its formula

Prefix 耐 and its formula

When we buy a pair of shoes, the first thing we want to know is weather it is 耐穿 durable. Some girls are very 耐看 good-looking. You can describe many things with the formula of the prefix 耐. 

耐 has the meaning of “bear or endure” and it can act as a prefix used in front of verbs, adjectives or nouns to form adjectives that have meanings of “anti ~, ~ proof, ~ resistant, etc”.

Formula of the prefix 

耐 + verb = adjective


耐 + 用 use = 耐用 durable. They frequently require more major durable purchases. 他们经常需要购买耐用消费品。

耐 + 磨 abrase = 耐磨 abrasion resistant. abrasion resistant optical fiber

耐 + 穿 wear = 耐穿 durable, strong. If you’re going walking in the mountains, strong boots are essential. 如果你到山里远足,务必要带一双耐穿的靴子.

耐 + 洗 wash = 耐洗 wash well. This material washes well.

耐 + 腐蚀 corrode  = 耐腐蚀 corrosion-resistant. Corrosion-resistant pumps and piping are required for handling this water为了使用这种腐蚀管线需要

耐 + adjective = adjective


耐 + 寒 cold = 耐寒 cold-resistant; hardy. The strawberry is hardy and easy to grow in all soil. 草莓耐寒,各种土壤里都容易生长。

耐 + 热 hot = 耐热 heat-resistant. For this reason the distributor for the bed directly above the calcination stage should be made of heat-resistive material. 基此理由,直接位于煅烧段之上的床层分布板必须用耐热材料制成。

耐 + noun = adjective


耐 + 高温 high temperature = 耐高温 high temperature resistant. It is light, high temperature resistant, dampness resistant, corrosion resistant, dampness resistant and burning-free, etc. 具有重量轻、耐高温、耐潮湿、耐腐蚀、不易燃烧等优点。

耐 + 严寒 bitter cold = 耐严寒 resistant to low temperature. In the northern area, it is necessary to plant varieties which are outstandingly resistant to low winter temperature. 北部地区只能种植确实能耐严寒的品种。

耐 + 酸碱 acid-base = 耐酸碱 acid and alkali resistant. The sealed media must be innoxious, flavourless, leak proof, anticorrosive, able to endure acid and alkali resistant, fireproof and insulative. 密封介质必须无毒、无味、防泄漏、不腐蚀、耐酸碱并具有良好的阻燃和绝缘性能。

The prefix 耐 is very similar to the prefix 抗. The two can be used interchangeably in some cases.